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Project 17700-10 (GPU, openmm22)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 3:56 pm
by mc26
For all projects (17700-10):
<timeout v="2"/>
<deadline v="5"/>
<stats-credit v="13350"/>

p17700: <atoms v="65672"/>
p17701: <atoms v="65679"/>
p17702: <atoms v="65672"/>
p17703: <atoms v="65673"/>
p17704: <atoms v="65672"/>
p17705: <atoms v="65675"/>
p17706: <atoms v="65664"/>
p17707: <atoms v="65666"/>
p17708: <atoms v="65673"/>
p17709: <atoms v="65661"/>
p17710: <atoms v="65676"/>

Re: Project 17700-10 (GPU, openmm22)

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:44 pm
by mc26
Hello all,

I want to personally thank all those who ran these Folding@Home projects. Your contribution to FAH has assisted us in understanding the molecular regulation of the human serotonin transporter. Together, these simulations illuminated how phosphorylation, a post-translational modification and cellular regulatory mechanism, affects the structure and dynamics of the serotonin transporter and may further our understanding on how to design therapeutic molecules for the treatment of depression, Parkinson's, and other neurodegenerative disorders.

Check out the work here if you're interested: