/etc/init.d/FAHClient stop does not work
Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 5:59 pm
Fresh install of Ubuntu 20.x running most current vs of F@H, sadly the newer versions of Ubuntu are not compatible with the GUI control for F@H so Im stuck working with CLI only. Not a major issue if it would behave and follow basic commands.
Running htop to monitor my system
# ps -e | grep FAH*
1367 ? 00:00:12 FAHClient
1393 ? 00:00:55 FAHClient
65134 ? 00:00:00 FAHCoreWrapper
FAHCoreWrapper and others continue to run. Even with F9 issued via htop multiple times it still continues to return without the start command. This is not acceptable behavior for any linux program. Start when told to start, stop when told to stop. FAHCore is not stopping.
What information do you need to help you help me.
edit to add
just wanted to add those as they were just downloaded and used the CLI installation process:
https://foldingathome.org/faqs/installa ... nt-ubuntu/
Running htop to monitor my system
# ps -e | grep FAH*
1367 ? 00:00:12 FAHClient
1393 ? 00:00:55 FAHClient
65134 ? 00:00:00 FAHCoreWrapper
FAHCoreWrapper and others continue to run. Even with F9 issued via htop multiple times it still continues to return without the start command. This is not acceptable behavior for any linux program. Start when told to start, stop when told to stop. FAHCore is not stopping.
What information do you need to help you help me.
edit to add
Code: Select all
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 3266064 Nov 14 15:06 fahclient_7.6.21_amd64.deb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 145292 Nov 14 15:06 fahcontrol_7.6.21-1_all.deb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 4664692 Nov 14 15:06 fahviewer_7.6.21_amd64.deb
https://foldingathome.org/faqs/installa ... nt-ubuntu/