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Any (CPU, GRO_A8) project 16812 to FAH

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 9:22 am
by sperezconesa
<project type="GRO_A8" id="16812">
<min-core-version v="0.0.8"/>

<!-- stats -->
<stats_credit v="2660"/>
<timeout v="2.4"/>
<deadline v="4.2"/>

This one of the few initial simulations with the A8 core so it is likely some bugs could be present! Your feedback will be specially helpfull.

Simulation of a potassium ion channel inactivation and conduction. Potassium ion channels are crucial proteins of the membranes of excitable cells like neurons or cardiac cells. They open and close based on stimuli allowing for the conduction of ions (in essence electric impulse) through the membrane. Their malfunction is related to diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias or epilepsy.