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please help - lost team founder

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 6:31 pm
by 1fast6
Hello... I am hoping I can find some help on this matter... I have not found much information elsewhere at all on teams, how they are founded, and how they are managed...

we are trying to resurrect interest for our team...originally founded as Overclocker-Network, team id=164 (see link below)

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as you can see from the team ID, we were founded very early, back during the original folding @home / genome @home projects... however, all original information regarding the founder/administrator for the team has been lost, our name has changed to OCDistributed... our team website has also moved several times, and so the link to our team page from your site is dead... is there any mechanism to petition to change team founder to resolve these matters...

any help is appreciated...