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COVID Only settings.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 3:41 am
by MrWulf
So I have a small farm running COVID crunching projects since Jan/Feb.
We are in the top 3% of teams, so I am happy with our contributions.

However, recently when I checked the machines, I noted that some of the boxes are no longer assigned to COVID only projects.
What is more, I can not see COVID only in the drop down
Some of the boxes do have COVID as a drop down option.

I have sold my management on Folding@HOME that we are doing COVID.
So while I am fully in favour of other projects, I want the boxes to run only covid projects

Question: How can I make sure the computers are only running covid?

Re: COVID Only settings.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:27 am
by jrweiss
Ensure you have client v7.6.13 on all machines.

Still, note the statement in the "Preference" block of Configure | Advanced | Cause Preference. It is a PREFERENCE, NOT a guarantee. If there are no COVID work units available for your machine configuration when you are ready to download, another project will be assigned.

Re: COVID Only settings.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:42 am
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum MrWulf,

Please note that while there's a preference for the client to request COVID WUs, in the event that there aren't any COVID WUs that match your hardware, you will assigned a WU from any project that best matches your client's configuration. Thus, none of the systems would be idle in the even that COVID WUs run out.