Three questions and a comment:"Just a heads-up that we're working on extensive benchmarks of a variety of systems to be able to gather data to be able to predict performance on individual GPUs based on some easily-computed features of any project."
Wondering if this info will be available? Or perhaps incorporated into FAHbench?
Also wondering if any of the Geekbench openCL results are meaningful for Folding?
Looking at recent Proj 13416 results, the GTX cards were thriving, the RTX cards were struggling.
1660s 1100137
1660ti 1108804
2060s 848627 1135460
2070s 1252834
2080ti 1754242
When the 2080ti was at 4.7M PPD on a different project a few hours prior, but nice that the 1660s are at 140% of their usual 7-800K.
It would be nice to see a more ideal matchup between WU/GPU.
I think the frustration I feel leads to user abandonment of Folding, even now, understanding that atom#s effect GPU utilization.