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Am I being punished?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:54 am
by doctorzaius
I've been running a system with two RTX 2070's. Yesterday I added a 2080. Of course, I've long ago forgotten my passkey so I requested a resend. And there were a lot of reboots today trying to fix a PCI riser that seems to have failed overnight. Gave up, now running one 2070, one 2080. Total haul for the last three WU's was 30,000 points. Typically, it would be somewhere between 300,000 and 600,000. Am I an unreliable folder or should I look for something else that is wrong?

Re: Am I being punished?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:19 am
by ajm
It looks like your passkey is not in. I never heard of any punishment system - punishing donors for folding? Nah!

Your passkey is stored in the file config.xml, itself stored in %AppData%\FAHClient in Windows, /etc/fahclient in Linux and /Library/Application Support/FAHClient in MacOS.
It is a good idea to make a copy somewhere (on the desktop of folding machines, for example). Maybe you'll find it on some backup? Or with a search in your mail?
The title of the email is "Folding@home Passkey" and contains the following:
Hello [YourUsername],

Username: [YourUsername]
Passkey: [xxx]

Please use these to activate your client.

Thank you,


Re: Am I being punished?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 6:09 am
by JimboPalmer
Welcome to Folding@Home!

There IS a punishment system.
If you do not maintain a 80% normal completion ratio, you do not get the Quick Return Bonus.

So if you leave each of your GPUs in it's own PC folding successfully for a while, you will go back over 80%.

BTW, your passkey is saved in your config.xml file The location varys by OS and we don't know yours. In Windows, mine is C:\Users\JimboPalmer\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\config.xml
It is almost certain yours is somewhere else based on the Username on your PC.

Re: Am I being punished?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 2:13 pm
by Joe_H
In addition, the client software keeps copies of the 16 most recent config.xml files in a directory at the same location. So if an error causes the current one to be stripped of such things as the passkey entry, something that has happened to me, older versions are usable for copying and pasting into a new one or being used to replace the file.

Re: Am I being punished?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 2:18 pm
by Joe_H
In addition, looking up your username here - - indicates no bonus on some recent returns, As only one passkey appears to be associated with your username and the bonus status is valid for getting the QRB, it appears these WUs were submitted without a passkey. Some also were returned without your team number set.

Re: Am I being punished?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 4:07 pm
by doctorzaius
Thanks Joe_H (from another Joe H). I reentered my passcode and that appears to have fixed it.