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recap of projects (computations) state
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:44 pm
by gt4dev
I started folding a week ago ;]
I'm wondering: how often (and possibly where) are published results of research/computations?
I don't look for big scientific articles but short/regular recap of state for projects/subprojects.
Projects (like Covid19) are divided on many subprojects (like p16429, p16404, p16406 ..).
Are there recaps like for example "P16429 proved sth1 and now we must do sth2".
Re: recap of projects (computations) state
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:07 pm
by bruce
The best I can recommend is the
news section of FAH's website. The articles are relatively short, contain some scientific details, and are reasonably easy to read.
More detailed reports for specific projects
MIGHT appear in discussions associated with an individual project on this site but such reports are rare and difficult to find, indeed.
Re: recap of projects (computations) state
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:29 am
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum gt4dev,
For a full list of published papers, you can look at this:
For quick recaps, recently there have been some Twitter activity recapping some projects so you can look at that too:
Re: recap of projects (computations) state
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:42 pm
by gt4dev
These big results are great - no doubts.
But I believe that short (~3 sentences) recap of result of each finished computation-projects (project like: p16427, p16429, ..) would be very nice.
I guess such transparency will increase people engagement (= more cpu & time), easier convince others to FAH ... and much, much more ;]
Re: recap of projects (computations) state
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 8:22 pm
by bruce
Scientists are not necessarily fond of writing but we do manage to convince them that they have to write half-page description. Some projects are unique, but often that page consists of 6 copies of a page says "I've started 6 projects to study XXXX." If we insist that they update that description 6 times, I think your expectation are admirable, but probably won't help you sell FAH to your friends and it's not likely to meet your expectations.
The one thing that WILL always get completed is final research paper, especially if it's a thesis for and advanced degree. For big projects, there will often be one or more general progress reports. See and do check out the various categorise in the left hand column.