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How to change the team leader

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 4:24 pm
by TLBofBL
My client stopped long ago, and I'm updating now. In doing so, and wanting to push the FAH initiative with our site and members, I realize I am in fact NOT the owner of our team. The individual who started it left us long ago. How do I go about changing WHO is the team leader? I assume he set it with his personal email address, so a password reset won't work. Any advice on how to approach this? I can give the team number, and the fact that I'm 2nd all time on the list since 2007 as means of proper ownership. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

Re: How to change the team leader

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 10:28 pm
by FireFox-89
I think there was a previous post about something like this, as far as I'm aware you won't be able to get ownership transferred or not easily anyway. I think the best and easiest thing to do is start a new team.