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Czech special characters are not icluded in Folding Home

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 9:28 am
by TadeasD

I want to create team with name Krakonoš 12°, which is my favorite beer and it is rendered as Krakonouffffffc5uffffffa1 12uffffffc2uffffffb0. Team id is 240878. Please, how to fix this problem. I see that other special characters are not included. Please add czech alphabet.

Thank you!

Re: Czech special characters are not icluded in Folding Home

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 3:40 pm
by Joe_H
There is no fix using the special characters, this applies to all languages. Accepted characters are unaccented alphanumeric characters.

Re: Czech special characters are not icluded in Folding Home

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 8:45 pm
by TadeasD
Hi Joe, is there any way to contact developers about this issue. Frankly, this is quite unfortunate and besides other things, it lowers site attractiveness for non-EN users. Thank you!

Re: Czech special characters are not icluded in Folding Home

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 9:11 pm
by Neil-B
I hate to be the bearer of bad news ... There is very limited developer resource (1 person - I believe) and he is focused for the most part on developments that aim improve the science, which such a change would not achieve ... There are many "nice to have" items that are regularly expressed such as this - but to be honest the likelihood is that they will remain nice to have for the foreseeable future.

Re: Czech special characters are not icluded in Folding Home

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 9:16 pm
by Joe_H
You can put in a problem report on the F@h GitHub site -

As mentioned there is limited development resources, though some volunteer help has been added during the COVID-19 response. As adding Unicode support would require changes throughout the stats system, if they choose to add this it may be a while before being implemented.

Re: Czech special characters are not icluded in Folding Home

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 8:32 am
by TadeasD
Thank you for your answers. That is unfortunate indeed. I understand that implementation of Unicode support would be a hassle, however, this is not a detail. The goal is to get 1 million machines working and without proper display and design, you will hardly ever get to that number.
I am not an app developer so maybe I am wrong, but this software is way more complex to be managed by only one person. I.e. if that is true, then all the kudos goes to him/her. The way how to improve this tool is to add more programming power. I guess there are many programmers waiting to help for free. E.g. bc. or master students doing their thesis. The priority of THE guy/girl should be to create a team and manage them. I am from the Czech republic and my faculty is full of students waiting for this type of work (applied, cool and beneficial), . If you are interested in any cooperation I can link you to my teachers for more details.
Thank you!

Re: Czech special characters are not icluded in Folding Home

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 9:03 am
by NRT_AntiKytherA
Maybe if you send the developer some of the beer they may oblige ;)

Re: Czech special characters are not icluded in Folding Home

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 2:36 pm
by Joe_H
Since your original question I have seen a mention of putting together a group to provide multilingual versions of the main website Of course now that I want to use that, I can't find the link quickly. That might be one way to help give many support in their native language.

As for development resources, having a single person is the result of the way research grants go here. Most are restrictive on usage to direct support of research, getting grants for professional development of software or purchasing hardware is more difficult. The F@h group has managed to put together the funds to pay one. He handles the server and client code, and a few years ago was tasked with updating the CPU folding core to the current Core_A7. Development of the GPU folding cores has been done by the researchers, their graduate students and post-docs.

I do know that with some of the volunteer development help so far, he has been doing some coordination of efforts. What all of those are, I have not had the time to follow all of that. I have read of there being a sign up site for those offering to help in this area, it may have been mentioned on the F@h Facebook or Twitter site.

You can read more about the Folding@home Consortium here - ... onsortium/. This lists the main labs behind Folding@home and some of their collaborators.

Re: Czech special characters are not icluded in Folding Home

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:37 pm
by PantherX
FYI, this is the link (that Joe_H was referring to) where you can sign-up to volunteer to translate the website to a non-English language: ... 5183416320