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Promoting FAH by users emailing their city Mayor

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:23 pm
by kenny90
If users could email their mayor, and ask them if they could send information and a link to FAH to all of the public workers that work for the city hall, It could easily get many more people.

I've tried this with a dozen of towns near mine, and 4 of them replied that they loved the idea to help fight Covid and they were going to inform their workers.

It's something easy to do that doesn't cost directly money to cities and only takes time and the appropiate words to convince them to join this project.

Re: Promoting FAH by users emailing their city Mayor

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 1:01 am
by JimboPalmer
Welcome to Folding@Home!

Item One, a PC running F@H uses a LOT more electricity than one on idle. So Warn those mayers that if they approve Folding, the Electric bill will climb. (Unless they are mayor of Barrow AK, where the heat of the PCs will be offset by needing fewer space heaters)

Item Two, here is the deep South of the US, it is already A/C weather, so not only do you blow electricity curing COVID-19, you also blow electricity cooling the building back down. The mayor deserves to know this. (I worked for a Mental Health organization, 55 PCs folding was a noticeable change in the Utility Bill.)

Other than that, go for it. Starting with the mayor means no one gets fired for the electric bill.