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[Solved] Client: "Connecting Inactive" - Linux

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 1:04 pm
by 2000mater
Just installed the fah for linux mint. The 'Status, System Info, Log' is gray/inaccessable. At the left, it is telling me at 'Status' that it is 'connecting'. I would believe it isn't doing anything anymore. What shall I do to start folding? My Address is localhost:36330 (don't want to deal with any remote machines), I didn't touch anything.

Re: Client: "Connecting Inactive" - Linux

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:11 pm
by ajm
It looks like the FaHClient is not active. During the installation, you had the possibility to get it to launch automatically and you chose not to, right?

So, if you installed the client as a service:

Code: Select all

sudo service FAHClient start
Or maybe you just installed FAHControl, and not FAHClient?