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Team User History

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:42 pm
by Privacywonk
Hi All,

I searched the forums looking for topics like this but no dice. I also tried extracting time-series data from the API but ran into the ts.team_daily error messages referenced in other threads / github.

Our team (#258829) was created on 4/4 (around noon eastern). Starting on 4/11 the stats were picked up by extremeoverclocking's site. From there, I have a historical view back to 4/11 but I was curious if there was any way to pull an extract from the stats DB on daily team users each day from 4/4 until 4/10 at 00:00:00 UTC?

This is super trivial in the face of everything else going on but wanted to ask...I am looking to build a complete history w/o gaps of the teams growth. Username and first appearance in the team is all I am looking for. Points and WU completed would be an extra nice to have. CSV format is perfect.

If there is anywhere else I might be able to obtain this data, I'm happy to be pointed there :)

Thank you in advance to forum mods, F@H team, and/or user replies.

Re: Team User History

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:49 pm
by bruce
FAH does not keep stats history. That's one of the added values provided by the 3rd party stats. We have enough troubles keeping the current snapshot up-to-date, especially with the rate of server expansion we've recently experienced.

(...except when we need to freshen a backup...)

Re: Team User History

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:53 pm
by Privacywonk
Any other 3rd party stats sites that may keep more detailed history than extreme overclocking?

Re: Team User History

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 7:24 pm
by PantherX
This is what I found from this topic (viewtopic.php?f=14&t=52) but I haven't checked the links:
John Naylor wrote:...
- EOC Folding@Home Stats
- Kakao Stats
- XCPU Stats
- Coolrunr's F@H Stats Scripts
- Free-DC Stats
- HardFolding stats
- CPU and GPU stats and entry forms to expand the database
- Sage Folding@Home Stats System:
Sage is a web-based stats system for your Folding@Home team. It is light, fast, and based on PHP and an assortment of SQL-based database management systems (primarily MySQL), so it is ideal for webservers.

Re: Team User History

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:31 pm
by Joe_H
Kakao Stats is currently not running. The original person running the stats software and site decided to quit, the software was taken up by another person in Brazil. Currently down, and have not heard anything within the last couple years about it.

The software was put on one of the open source site by the original programmer, if someone wanted to revive it.