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Why is my total WU stats in the thousands: I just started?
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:46 am
by BP2020
I read the
Introduction To Common F@H Jargon:
WU - Work Unit is a small time-slice of protein processing that is downloaded by your F@H Client from the appropriate Server. Your system will process it and once it finishes folding, will upload the result to the Server and will request another WU unless the F@H Client is set to Finish.
In the web client I see my
points earned: 117,596 with a link to my statistics (
see stats):
Code: Select all
Date of last Work Unit 2020-04-21 03:42:14
Total score 38,102,226
Total WUs 2,497
- Why do I have 2497 WU done? I'm a new donor since 2-3 days and the times the software downloaded "a piece of thing for the CPU/GPU to process", which looks around 5mb for the CPU ones and 20-50mb for the GPU ones (which I thought was a Work Unit), was maybe 10 times total for the CPU/GPU combined?
- Is there a connection between my points earned (117 596) and the Total score (38 102 226)? What is the total score?
Thank you!
Re: Why is my total WU stats in the thousands: I just starte
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:05 am
by ajm
The statistics at are based on the username only, and this value is not unique. It is thus possible that someone else already folded under "your" username.
If you look under the first field, you should see a liste of "Contributions by team", where you might see yours under your team. But those stats are not made in real time, not by far, at the moment.
You may get more up-to-date stats at albeit it is possible that your points are not present there yet.
Re: Why is my total WU stats in the thousands: I just starte
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:15 am
by BP2020
Right, I see. I see many teams below my donor stats, some have my user name in it. In my team the WUs is 613 instead of 2497, but I guess even inside my team someone could have used that name before. I guess I should have chosen a more distinctive name, which I will do from now on. I can't check the extremeoverclocking stats because I chose a 2 letter name, minimum is 3 to run a query haha. Thank you!
Re: Why is my total WU stats in the thousands: I just starte
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:05 am
by Mark12547
If you want to be sure that the stats for you are for you only, then in addition to a new "Name" you can use a "Passkey", and by using both your stats will be yours only. See
Re: Why is my total WU stats in the thousands: I just starte
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:28 am
by BP2020
Thanks! I was already using a Passkey with this 2 char username, just changed the name using "change identity" in the web control... It seems to work as my donor stats are pretty legit now i.e. 7,996 and 2 WUs. Sure I've lost 100k (2 GPU WUs) but no big deal. Don't know that I should recreate another passkey because I changed the name associated with it? If someone knows let me know.
Re: Why is my total WU stats in the thousands: I just starte
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:35 am
by PantherX
Generally speaking, the passkey is generated by the email address and username submitted. If you enter the same details, you get the same passkey. Change either the username or email, then the passkey generated will be different. You can continue to use the existing passkey but ensure that you have a clear-text copy of it in a safe and secure manner. Do note that each combination of username/passkey will need to qualify for the bonus points:
Re: Why is my total WU stats in the thousands: I just starte
Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:48 am
by BP2020
Right. To be on the safe side, I've created a new passkey for this new name. The web control shows 0 points earned, as expected, but the stats website still shows 7996. I don't know how many times I can restart from scratch & how many issues/posts I can generate in 24hrs loll. That's not even counting my internet provider screwing up 2 mins before my GPU WU was completed, and I needed to call tech support, as I was watching my estimated points go down in the Advanced Control as I was holding back the WU and it couldn't be uploaded back I guess haha. Such is life. Maybe there's just a delay before the stats website goes back to 0... Anyways, I think I'm done for the day!