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terminal setup instructions on Debian/Ubuntu 19.04 or higher

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:51 am
by MeeLee
I wanted to see if I could help out again with folding,
First question would be: Does FAH run COVID 19 GPU WUs, or only CPU?

is there anyone that could help me out setting up the client from terminal (post install)?
I'm running Ubuntu 19.04 and 20.04, and Control still doesn't work on it.

I'd like to do find the location of the config file, and an example of what needs to be in there (like user name, team number, key, GPU only setting, set client to accept COVID19 tasks, and set to full folding,... and other).

Then I need the command to start the client from terminal, as it seems that "sudo /etc/init.d/fahclient start" no longer works.

Re: terminal setup instructions on Debian/Ubuntu 19.04 or hi

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:23 am
by ajm
Yes, FAH runs COVID 19 GPUs, and how!

You'll find a good howto (at least for Nvidia GPUs) here: ... lding-rig/
For example, Fahcontrol needs Python2 and your Ubuntu "only" has Python3. You'll find instructions at the link above.

For AMD cards, I recommend downloading here (for your specific card):
and then installing the Pro Variant of OpenCL with only the base kernel: ... ro-variant

You'll find the config file in /etc/fahclient

You should be able to stop/start/restart using

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sudo service FAHClient start
sudo service FAHClient stop
sudo service FAHClient restart

Re: terminal setup instructions on Debian/Ubuntu 19.04 or hi

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:13 am
by PantherX
Do note that F@H also has COVID-19 WUs for CPUs too. You can choose if you would like to contribute your CPU or GPU or both :)

Re: terminal setup instructions on Debian/Ubuntu 19.04 or hi

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:53 pm
by MeeLee
My system runs Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04, and I'm not going to downgrade it to 18, hence I'm needing the terminal setup information.

Re: terminal setup instructions on Debian/Ubuntu 19.04 or hi

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:32 am
by cfhdev
MeeLee wrote: My system runs Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04, and I'm not going to downgrade it to 18, hence I'm needing the terminal setup information.
ajm wrote: You'll find a good howto (at least for Nvidia GPUs) here: ... lding-rig/]
The link AJM listed should work.
I would change the lines:
Copy the Most recent Debian Package from

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Install the Package as a Service (Daemon)

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sudo dpkg -i fahclient_7.5.1_amd64.deb

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Code: Select all

sudo dpkg -i --force-depends fahclient_7.6.9_amd64.deb