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Points, with passkey or not?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:39 am
by AndrewBienhaus
Definite newb question here, but after having 3 machines running overnight, I'm a little confused.
Two had passkey, one did not.

The forum posts on the subject said; "Client points totals won't add up, but online stats will put them all togehter".
As in Username (alone) + Username & Passkey, still all count to the sanem username total.

By the client displays, that should be 4200 by now, yet it's still 2100.

And the client logs also suggest that one upload alone should have had 3500... yet those aren't appearing in the total.
Is there an approval process somewhere, before the points count?
(username is 1stBinbrookCanada)

just want to know we've got everything setup correctly, before going any further.
I've now added the passkey to the third machine as well, but it's still just picking up the one total...


Re: Points, with passkey or not?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:50 am
by AndrewBienhaus
... reading log on highest power machine, and it alone should be adding 3500 every few hours. (Upload complete, estimated points are X)

Re: Points, with passkey or not?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:59 am
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum AndrewBienhaus,

Regarding the Stats display, this is how it works:
Online Stats: Username A and Username A + passkey are both shown as a single entry.
FAHControl\Web Control: If you enter the passkey in your client, then it will only show Username A + passkey. If you don't have the passkey in your client, then it will show Online Stats

Please note that due to a massive increase in Donors, the Stats system is a bit slow. As long as you successfully uploaded a completed WU to the F@H Servers, it will eventually appear as it isn't lost.

Re: Points, with passkey or not?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:00 am
by Neil-B
Welcome to FAH and the FAH Forums.

My guess … and without seeing logs viewtopic.php?f=24&t=26036 it is just that … is that whilst you have a passkey on some of you kit you either haven't completed 10 WUs with each passkey/username pairing which is a qualification requirement for QRB or you are being hit by one of the many backlogs in stats that are currently happening - some Work Servers /Collection Servers may take even a few days to get the stats into the system at the moment (as PantherX mentioned) … if you have been seeing lines such as

Code: Select all

09:53:00:WU01:FS02:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
09:53:00:WU01:FS02:Final credit estimate, 6779.00 points
09:53:00:WU01:FS02:Cleaning up
then the WU has been uploaded and you should get points eventually - please note that the estimate assumes QRB and without this you will just get base points for the project

Re: Points, with passkey or not?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:05 am
by AndrewBienhaus
ok, thanks, I'll let 'er run, and see what happens. :-)

What is QRB?

The one it's chewing on now, has an estimate of 9500, but a base of 3900, so we'll see what it does in 3 hours.

Re: Points, with passkey or not?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:24 am
by Neil-B
Quick Return Bonus - see link above … You can check the status of you eligibility at