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Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:44 am
by excelblue
I have a queue of 10 completed WUs that are failing to upload to and

Are you guys aware?

Re: and

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:51 am
by PantherX
A quick test to see if the Server needs attention or not is to check via the web browser if the F@H logo loads or not. In this case, I can open up these site quickly:

That means that means that the servers are functional. However, the inability to upload completed WUs would likely indicate bandwidth/connection limitations. If that's the case, then the F@H Team is already working towards addressing those issues and while progress has been made, there is still more work that is underway.

Re: and

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 9:30 pm
by excelblue
Was still having troubles, so I decided to try something crazy and am surprised it worked:

It turns out that while I can't seem to get any uploads in when uploading from the US (west coast), as soon as I went on EC2 and spun up a proxy server for myself in eu-central-1 (Frankfurt, 2 hops away from, I was able to upload the units nice and easily.

I'm located in San Francisco and my ISP is Google Fiber.

Re: and

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 9:48 pm
by uyaem
I can "confirm" this observation...

I'm about 150km/90 miles from Frankfurt, assuming that most of my overseas traffic will be routed through DE-CIX, and had about 2 upload failures in 5 weeks (>400 WUs), where the 1st retry worked.
Considering the number of reports on the forums where people get PLEASE_WAIT or "no route to host", this may be worth investigating (or flagging as "out-of-control" of FAH).