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Viewer and Control Not Working

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:42 pm
by DAGuertin
I've recently returned to the Folding fold having used the boinc protein folding program the past.

I've set up a desktop, a laptop, and a Chromebook with FAH with what I thought was users DAGuertin, DAGuertin2 and DAGuertin3 all pointing to team 3362. All are running Linux Mint.

The problem I'm having is that while DAGuertin and DAGuertin3 are reporting results to the Team, DAGuertin2 is not.

Neither FAHViewer nor FAHControl will load on any of the three machines, so I've no idea which machine isn't reporting.

Any help or suggestions would be welcome.

Ottawa, Canada

Re: Viewer and Control Not Working

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:20 pm
by uyaem
In console:

Code: Select all

FAHClient --send-command options
Alternatively, you could use a telnet client on the respective machine:

Code: Select all

telnet localhost 36330
If you cannot connect, FAHClient is not running on that machine.
Once connected, type

Code: Select all

In both cases, the output will be something like this:

Code: Select all

{"client-type": "advanced", "passkey": "xxx", "power": "medium", "proxy": ":8080", "team": "xxx", "user": "xxx"}