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FAH Stats

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 3:04 pm
by iceman1992
Right now I can see on the breakdown of TFLOPS by OS.
I'm really delighted to see we've reached over 1.5 exaflops, but does anyone know what percentage of that is CPU vs GPU?

Re: FAH Stats

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:44 pm
by theshadow2754
Been trying to get a handle on this myself... Especially in light of the WU starvation. Logging the stats page for the last week, it looks like the CPU and GPU assign rates are about the same:


In terms of points GPU jobs are worth WAY more than CPU jobs (currently, my 24 core CPU slot is estimating 4,137 points, while one of the 2080 slots is estimating 353,136 points); so if the assign rates are about the same, say 12/second, then the GPUs are contributing significantly more to the total PPD (like, 85 times more).

I don't easily see a way to derive FLOPS by GPU/CPU from the os stats page, so it's hard to say which is contributing more "power".