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FAHViewer operation

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:55 pm
by riffraff9000
Hi everybody.

Does the FAHViewer operate only on the WU being folded? Or is it possible to "load" anther protein/WU for viewing? I didn't see any options for that, and attempting to try anything in a terminal result in a core dump. D'oh.


Re: FAHViewer operation

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:06 pm
by X-Wing
I do not know, however there are several threads about current issues with the viewer, and certain projects that are coming out are not working with the viewer either. From what I understand, there needs to be software work done, which inevitably carries the risk of bugs wreaking havoc, and given the urgency with which the world is fighting this virus, the added functionality is not worth potentially destabilizing the software and/or people's computers. But they'll get to it eventually. There's already work being done in a crowd-sourced fashion, to take pressure off of the current developer.

Re: FAHViewer operation

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 pm
by riffraff9000
Understood. I didn't want added functionality; I was just wondering if that function was already there and I had missed it. The viewer is pretty much just eye-candy, as I understand it, anyways. I'm still exploring this software (I only got the GPU folding yesterday; helps to update BIOS and GPU drivers, lol), so I don't know what is, and what is not, possible with it.


Re: FAHViewer operation

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:44 pm
by Joe_H
Only on one of the proteins being processed at that time. Currently there is a bug that keeps it from working on Windows, on Linux and OS X the viewer does work for some projects running on your CPU.

Re: FAHViewer operation

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:45 pm
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum riffraff9000,

For FAHViewer to render the protein model, the FAHCore needs to send back simulation data. That was supported in the previous version of FAHCore but AFAIK, the latest version for GPU (FAHCore_22) doesn't support that transmission of data that FAHViewer is look for. Hence, it renders a Demo protein.

As Joe_H mentions above, things are different for the CPU FAHCore.