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How is "idle" defined?

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:16 pm
by EnJeiBee
If we have our client set to "on idle," how is that defined? For example, I have a client on my gaming pc, my streaming pc and my ultrabook. I work all day on my ultrabook, but would like to have my gaming pc and streaming pc setup to work all day. So my question is, what does the client consider "idle?" Is it a certain period of time with no user input or is it when the machine goes to sleep (which I have turned off on all of my computers)? Any help would be much appreciated as I want to do whatever I can to help. Thanks in advance!

Re: How is "idle" defined?

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 7:15 pm
by Joe_H
How depends on the OS. For Windows it is usually when either a screensaver is activated or the screen is turned off after a period of inactivity.

For OS X and Linux, generally after several minutes of no keyboard or mouse input. There may be variations depending on which version of Linux and window manager is being used.

Re: How is "idle" defined?

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:51 pm
by EnJeiBee
Thanks for the quick reply Joe. All of my machines are running Windows and don't have screensavers enabled. Any insight into what the trigger may be in that case?

Re: How is "idle" defined?

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:00 pm
by Joe_H
If you set a time for the screen to blank out and turn off, that should also be seen as "Idle"

Re: How is "idle" defined?

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:25 pm
by FoldingFodder
Is there a place to make a request with the devs?

Personally, i would like to set what is considered as idle from user inactivity.

Eg. If i watch a movie from my computer, which is pretty low resource demanding then there is no real reason why F@H can't kick in.

Re: How is "idle" defined?

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:39 pm
by ipkh
Idle means idle, nothing else going on.
You can choose other options to fold while using the computer.
I believe the default is after 15 minutes of no user activity.