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FAHControl doesn't work, FAHClient works fine (Windows)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:14 am
by m_vokhm
A couple of days ago I've installed the client from the fah-installer_7.5.1_x86.exe. Until recently, it had been working fine. But today I've tried to restart it and it's refused to start properly. When I start FAHControl.exe it shows
Client: Local UPDATING inactive
and do nothing more, and most of the GUI controls are disabled. It may stay in this position an hour or two, without any visible activity. But when I start FAHClient.exe, it works as a console application (in a DOS window) and does its job normally (downdoads WUs, process them and upload the results).
What's the matter? Is running the FAHControl.exe an improper way to start the client? Or may be some configuration file(s) has become corrupted? How do I fix this?
Another (though connected) question: is there a help or description or any other documentation that explains how to use the client, the meaning of displayed by the client information, and the purpose of its controls? I could not find.

Re: FAHControl doesn't work, FAHClient works fine (Windows)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:31 pm
by uyaem
I run it the same way and it's working fine. Are you running a (custom) firewall that may prevent the UI communicating the with core?

Re: FAHControl doesn't work, FAHClient works fine (Windows)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 12:46 pm
by m_vokhm
Yes, I run a firewall, but its rules are configured to enable the FAH's traffic. And everything was fine until recently.
Now I've reinstalled the client, and it's working so far. Still I don't know what was the matter and how to avoid such issues from now on

Re: FAHControl doesn't work, FAHClient works fine (Windows)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:24 pm
by uyaem
I've had that twice too, each time I had restarted the core but left FAHControl running. Restarting FAHControl did the trick for me both times.
Possibly a bug where a broken connection is not detected and the client doesn't try again, or a (zombie) process blocking port 36330 when you started FAHControl.

Re: FAHControl doesn't work, FAHClient works fine (Windows)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:58 pm
by m_vokhm
You must be right. Seems like the reason was a zombie, it didn't come to my head to check it beforehand. When I was uninstalling it, a zombie FAHClient was running and hindered in uninstalling, I had to kill it manually

Re: FAHControl doesn't work, FAHClient works fine (Windows)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:46 pm
by Ztech72
I am also having this issue with the Advance client. I am still folding and can see progress through the web control. I even went as far as uninstalling FAH, but left the data, did a reboot then reinstalled. This had no effect, still having this issue.

Anyone know what else i can do to get the Advance client to work properly again?

Re: FAHControl doesn't work, FAHClient works fine (Windows)

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:06 pm
by Ztech72
I found my problem on this. I was trying to set up remote access to FAH, and that worked but I did not add to that config. I found this out by digging into the Windows event viewer, had an error that showed it was trying to connect but connection was actively refused. I edited the config file and removed the remoting section, paused folding then rebooted. The Advance Client now works for me again.