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Defining some terms, PPD and TPF, Base Credit etc
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 2:15 am
by dreamtime
I'd like to better understand some of the terms and abbreviations I am seeing on the client's view. Regarding Base Credits and Estimated Credits, what are they, how do they change, and what are some typical values? PPD apparently means Points Per Day but, again, what are some good values to expect? Finally, what does TPF stand for, and what are some good values to expect there?
Re: Defining some terms, PPD and TPF, Base Credit etc
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:45 am
by ajm
You can always start here: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=26036
And there is a detailed description of the points here:
Re: Defining some terms, PPD and TPF, Base Credit etc
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:35 pm
by FoldingFodder
From the topic posted by ajm...
WU - Work Unit is a small time-slice of protein processing that is downloaded by your F@H Client from the appropriate Server. Your computer will process it and once it finishes folding, will upload the result to the Server and will request another WU.
Note: The duration to process this WU will vary from few minutes to few days depending on the type of WU, F@H Client, computer usage and several other factors. You will receive credits for a WU once it is successfully uploaded to the Servers and the Official Stats are updated (happens every hour).
PRCG - Project Run Clone Gen, is used to identify a WU that is assigned to you. A simple explanation and a detailed one can be read for further explanation.
Note: For a given Project number (and Protein name) there are many Runs, Clones and Gens so don't be alarmed if you seem to be processing the same Project/Protein again. The F@H Project doesn't assign duplicate WUs on purpose to keep Donors folding.
PPD - Points Per Day is the total number of points your computer is generating while folding the assigned WU(s).
Note: PPD will vary from WU to WU (even if they belong to the same Project) and will be effected by computer usage and other factors.
TPF - Time Per Frame means how long it takes to finish 1% of the assigned WU. 1% of a WU is equal to one frame.
Note: The TPF can vary significantly if the computer is being used. A dedicated folding computer experiences less fluctuations.
How PPD is calculated
PPD and TPF both appear to be measures of productivity. TPF wants to be as low as possible and in turn this will make PPD as high as possible.
Re: Defining some terms, PPD and TPF, Base Credit etc
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:01 pm
by JimboPalmer
Base credit is the worth of the science, in points.
The Quick Return Bonus, is extra points for returning the science rapidly. Once you finish a Work Unit, you still have to send it to the Servers successfully. Estimated Credit assumes this is instantaneous. Sometimes your upload take a long time and your actual points have gone down because the QRB has gone down while waiting to send. (it is a Quick Return Bonus, not a Quick Completion Bonus)
There are no actual numbers I can give, the CPU projects using Core_a7 run on CPUs all the way back to 2001's dual thread Pentium 4 Wilamette, and as new as a 256 thread AMD Epyc. so the range of 'good' is too great to quantify.
In a similar situation a 2010 Nvidia GTX 465 is about the oldest Graphics card that could fold, It had 352 cores, the fastest Nvidia card has 4352 cores. (2018's GTX 2080ti) so again there is too broad a range to predict.
Re: Defining some terms, PPD and TPF, Base Credit etc
Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:33 pm
by Magiceye04
Is there any difference between the wording of "credits", "Points" and "Score" ?
The FAHcontrol tells me i have about 775000 "points per day".
The workunit is stated with about 15000 base credits and 100000 estimated credits
The account status page tells me i have about 100000 score (after a day).
Also the bonus is stated as points
Mod note - copied from 2nd post:
May post was deleted, so i post again the short version of my question:
not deleted, all posts from new members of this forum are moderated until they are approved. After that posts will show immediately.
Re: Defining some terms, PPD and TPF, Base Credit etc
Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 6:28 am
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum Magiceye04,
In short, they all mean the same things.