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Only getting 1000 points for each WU

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:41 am
by Soren_Friis
I am a new user and have just started FAH on 3 machines.

The problem is, that I so far have only received 1000 points for each WU even though the estimated points were in the 4-6000 range.

All three machines are running the FAH client inside a Docker container on Windows 10, Clear Linux and Photon OS respectively.
I have added the same identity (Username, Team and Passkey) on all 3 machines.

Any suggestions?

Re: Only getting 1000 points for each WU

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:08 am
by davidcoton
The estimate includes the bonus points, but you must return ten units before you qualify for a bonus. So the first ten WUs will be base points only.