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FAH do not use 100% cpu
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:45 pm
by use7291
cpu usage is max 65% and I don't know why. I have a 24 core AMD 3960X CPU. I Set the resources usage to "full"
Re: FAH do not use 100% cpu
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:59 pm
by Lasky
could you show me a screenshot of the taskmanager please? I myself have a Ryzen 7 1700 eight-core. The standard clock is 3.00 ghz...Folding@home and Rosetta@home push it to 3.16 - 3.2 full load it uses 15 threads, the 16t is for the GPU. Then there is something wrong in your settings.
Re: FAH do not use 100% cpu
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:00 pm
by JimboPalmer
Welcome to Folding@Home!
You have a new wonderful CPU but F@H is about 20 years old. They assumed the most threads (they call them CPUs) we would have was 32.
So any one CPU slot can have 32 CPUs, but you can have more than one CPU slot. If you make another with 16 CPUs it should use your entire PC. (It would only be more complex if you had 256 threads)
In the taskbar to the lower right of the screen, you should see a F@H molecule icon, click it (you may need to click an Up Arrow to see it ^)
The second item in this menu is Advanced Control, click it
On this screen to the left is a Configure button, click it
Now you get a screen with a Slots tab, click it
On this white field should be a cpu item, click Add and set the new slot to CPU and to 16 CPUs, and save. (you may need to set the existing cpu slot to 32)
I hope this helps!
Re: FAH do not use 100% cpu
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:31 am
by David Duvall
I have found that the "Web Control" slider option running under Windows doesn't always work. You have to open the "Advanced Control" - then select "Configure" (the top left box) - then select the "Advanced" tab - then look at the "Folding Core Priority" - you will see 2 separate options. Folding@Home seems to always default to "Lowest". Select "Slightly Higher" AND click on the "Save" Button. That will take care of the low cpu usage problem but, be prepared for a computer that is working very hard..... You might want to manually change the fan speeds in BIOS on your computer to their highest settings to keep the beast cool.
Re: FAH do not use 100% cpu
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:03 am
by use7291
JimboPalmer thank you
I created a new 16 threads slot, I edited the existing cpu slot. basically there could be situations where only the 16T slot is working, like now (33-34% max load)