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Not getting Passkey

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:44 pm
by Mefistofalik

I installed F@H on my computer today. it works fine with my CPU and GPU, no problem on that side.
I completed the Passkey form after that :

Code: Select all
Seing nothing in my mail box, I tried a second time but just received (on the form page) a message telling that I could not ask 2 times for the same name in less than 4 hours.
Since I had to wait 4 hours, I put my name and team in the softawre and let it run for the day.
I have around 41k point now and I can see my name appear on the extreme overclocking website.

So I thought that, maybe if I needed to complete at least one task before being able to register, that time would be ok...
Be well, it was not, not even in the spam.

Is there currently a problem with the registring/mail system ?
If not, where can I ask for help ?

Thank you.

Re: Not getting Passkey

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:27 am
by davidcoton
Parts of the F@H system, including the passkey server, are currently overloaded -- the F@H workload has increased by more than 10x in a week or so.
Sorry, it just needs patience while the team try to catch up on several fronts.

Re: Not getting Passkey

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:36 am
by Joe_H
Specifically there has been so many requests for passkeys that the original method of emailing exceeded the limits for the host where the emails were sent from. To fix this a mail server was set up as part of the domain, and getting some of the setups in place has taken a bit of time.

Some passkeys are going out. It may take a bit, a test request I put in Saturday finally arrived today.

Re: Not getting Passkey

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:11 am
by Mefistofalik
Thank you for your answer.
And indeed it was just a matter of time.

I revceived the 2 mails.

Everything is up and running :)