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Problem with Web Control and Stat tracking

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 9:33 pm
by Samoletti
Hello folding community!
About two days ago installed folding at home to donate some idle GPU time. Everything worked very well except that I didn't get a passkey sent by email after requesting it.
Earlier today I finally got the passkey. I entered it into the passkey field in the advanced control menu. However, the Web Control hasn't been working ever since.
Also, the Points in my Profile haven't updated ever since. Before getting the key I already completed 3 work units that are properly displayed. The new ones I did today don't show up though.
It seems that the Software is completing the Workunits just as well so it's not really that big of an issue. Being able to see how many work units I already completed would be nice tho.

Computer Specs: Ryzen 1700x @ 3.9 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 8 Cores 16 Threads, mainly folding with GPU, 1080 TI Strix @ 1708 MHz
Network Connection: 120 Mbit Cable
Operating System: Windows 10 1909
Overclocked?: CPU overclocked by 0,5 GHz on all cores,
Stable?: Went through a couple of Hours of AIDA64 Stress test, is very stable
Software: Folding@home Client Version 7.5.1
WU details: Currently on Project 11780

Re: Problem with Web Control and Stat tracking

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:07 pm
by Joe_H
Please see the FAQ - viewtopic.php?f=24&t=32463 - for some workarounds if you are using Chrome or a Chromium based web browser.

As for stats, the server is getting a bit overloaded at times, and to take some load off the stats database is working off a copy instead of directly. So there can be some delay in updates. There are some other issues, but the policy of the F@h team is to make sure all points get awarded that are earned, it might just be eventually.