Point Inconsistency
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:47 am
So, this is not a big deal as I'm not folding for the imaginary currency, however, this may be a bug and I wanted to double check before submitting it. I started out folding without a passkey, as it was taking forever to get to my inbox. After browsing the forums I decided to try my .edu email address and got one. Once I added it to my account though the points displayed on my web console reset to zero. clicking on see stats still displayed my old point contributions (about 24k). Now though my web console updates, but my stats page does not. I've added another 16k according to the web console -bonuses haven't kicked in yet I guess- but the stats page still shows 24k. To be clear, I just want to know if this is: 1. Something that will straighten out on it's own when the local data finally transmits to the servers? 2. A bug and if so should I report it or is it a known bug? 3. Just me misunderstanding something? or 4. Not a bug but a "feature" ?