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CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:36 am
by ajm
I installed Folding yesterday, that is some 18 hours ago (and the PC has been running constantly since then). It went smooth and within a couple minutes, I had a job for the CPU and another one for the GPU. When the CPU job was over (maybe 3 hours later), I checked the "See stats" and found that I had contributed 362,432 points ("Total score") and 1,419 WUs. I couldn't make much sense of it, but that was that. However, the web interface was telling another story entirely. And still is, as the "stats" are stuck there since then whereas the web interface showed some progression (albeit at a much lower level).
But the real issue is that whereas my GPU has been exploited without interruption since installation, the CPU didn't received another job. Is this normal?
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:50 am
by anandhanju
Hi ajm, welcome to Folding and to this forum. If you could share the contents of your log file, someone will assist you on why your CPU hasn't received any work after the first one.
Stats are combined by the user name. So if you selected your user name as Macaholic for instance, you'd have seen that "you've" contributed aproximately 200k WUs for 15.5billion points.
There are some issues with the web interface. You can try using the Advanced interface to see you see a better reflection of your contributions there.
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:18 am
by Jesse_V
It's not really possible in your setup to complete 1419 workunits (WUs) in 18 hours. The number would like be closer to 10 or 20. Your username is probably combined with someone else, like anandhanju said. You may want to pick a unique username, join a team, and get a passkey.
Regarding how your CPU "didn't receive another job" this is likely due to the fact that Folding@home's userbase has grown 10x in the past couple of weeks, which has put a lot of load on the servers and exhausted workunits faster than more can be generated, so sometimes there's simply no workunits available for your CPU. The situation should improve once the research teams get more servers online and more projects (including COVID-19 work) into the queue.
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:27 am
by ajm
Hello anandhanju,
Thanks! How do I find the logfile (win10)? I found something called logfile_01.txt in C:\Users\AJM\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\work\02 but that doesn't seem to be useful.
Hello Jesse_V,
Thank you! I created this username (ajm) and got a passkey that I activated. Before checking the stats. Bot okay, I understand. No hurry.
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:40 am
by Jesse_V
An easy way to see the log file is through FAHControl. To get there, right-click on the Folding@home icon in the taskbar, down by the clock. and select Advanced Control. Then go to the Log tab and you can see the recent log entries. If you see "No WUs available for this configuration" then that means that the server's queue is temporarily empty, like we are saying. If that's the hold-up, just leave everything running and it will pick up work when it is available.
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:51 am
by ajm
Thank you Jesse_V!
The log contains 10 occurrences of "No WUs available for this configuration", so I guess I have my answer. I'll just leave the system running.
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:54 am
by ajm
As for the stats, is it possible that the system gave me the passkey of an already existing user called ajm?
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:55 am
by Jesse_V
ajm wrote:As for the stats, is it possible that the system gave me the passkey of an already existing user called ajm?
The passkey is a tied to the combination of your username and email address. It won't give you someone else's passkey, since the passkey is supposed to be a secret.
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:01 am
by KiWiTJS
Hi Jesse_V and ajm
Does this mean that everything is ok but there is no work to be allocated?
I am new, two days ago I started operation easily, and the next day for half a day nothing happened (the website refreshed every few seconds), today the CPU is not working and the GPU is working.
WARNING: WU00: FS00: Failed to get assignment from '18 .218.241.186: 80 ': No WUs available for this configuration. (other address too)
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:11 am
by ajm
Jesse_V wrote:ajm wrote:As for the stats, is it possible that the system gave me the passkey of an already existing user called ajm?
The passkey is a tied to the combination of your username and email address. It won't give you someone else's passkey, since the passkey is supposed to be a secret.
Then there is a glitch somewhere. This is what I get when I click on "See stats" in the Web Control:
The "contributions by team" don't add up neither. According to the Web control, I'm a member of the team 182116 (correctly, as I chose it) and I earned 98,861 points (for that team). And if I load the page of the team, I don't see my name in the list.
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:15 am
by Jesse_V
ajm wrote:Then there is a glitch somewhere. This is what I get when I click on "See stats" in the Web Control:
The "contributions by team" don't add up neither. According to the Web control, I'm a member of the team 182116 (correctly, as I chose it) and I earned 98,861 points (for that team). And if I load the page of the team, I don't see my name in the list.
As I recall from several years ago (and things could have changed, I could be wrong) the stats system runs a daily script that updates the information. Updating the numbers is time-consuming, so its done all at once and as a batch. You should see your name tomorrow, I think.
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:29 am
by ajm
Jesse_V wrote:As I recall from several years ago (and things could have changed, I could be wrong) the stats system runs a daily script that updates the information. Updating the numbers is time-consuming, so its done all at once and as a batch. You should see your name tomorrow, I think.
Makes sense. OK I'll wait, no problem, I'm not really in for the "point race" anyway. But the system looks odd to me. It also seems that I earn MUCH less than the "estimated points" of the jobs. And as I looked, the counter just jumped to 179,170! Oh well, as you said, the servers must be overwhelmed by newcomers right now and the points stuff is hardly a priority for them.
Re: CPU idle (gets no jobs)
Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:33 am
by ajm
KiWiTJS wrote:Hi Jesse_V and ajm
Does this mean that everything is ok but there is no work to be allocated?
I am new, two days ago I started operation easily, and the next day for half a day nothing happened (the website refreshed every few seconds), today the CPU is not working and the GPU is working.
Yes I guess so. As Jesse_V explains above, a lot of people have joined the system lately, so that there are not enough jobs for everybody. Which is a good thing.