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Multiple computer setup username and passkey

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:35 pm
by studiokgb_paris
hello guys

I've some interogation about the way usernames and passkey work for multiple computer.

I ve created a team "studiokgb_paris"
a username studiokgb_paris with a passskey.

As my company is closed for a few weeks due to Covid 19 in Paris I tried to install FaH on many computers here to help. These machine are not all on the same location (so different public IPs)

Should I put :
-the same username and passkey on all machine ?
-different username but same passkey on all machine ?
-different username and different passkey on all machine ?

All machine are of course part of the same team (241884)

Let me know
Thanks a lot

Re: Multiple computer setup username and passkey

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:01 pm
by Joe_H
You can use the same username and passkey on as many machines as you want, just have the permission of the owners of the systems.

You might use different usernames if you wanted to identify the points by which location turned in WU's and earned point, but you can still use the same passkey.

I personally do not see any reason to use the third option.

Re: Multiple computer setup username and passkey

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:47 pm
by studiokgb_paris
Thanks Joe

I use the second option for now so I can see perf for each computer.
Mainly I wanted to be sure points are not "lost" using a wrong option.
