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958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:25 am
by david_osipov
Hello to everyone, I just discovered, that Folding@home is currently 8 times more powerful, than the world's fastest supercomputer with 958 PetaFlops of computational power!! Are my calculations correct, could you please recheck?
Re: 958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 4:47 pm
by foldy
Maybe- Officially announced was 454 Petaflops in the reddit AMA yesterday but it will raise when more FAH serves get online and all GPUs get fully work.
Re: 958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:31 pm
by Darth_Peter_dualxeon
where do you see the overall petaflops of F@H?
Really, we together (with all the new people like me recently) reaching close to ExaFLOPS first in history ? That (according to wikipedia) is way bigger than any supercomputer in top500.
Big things are happening, and I'm happy to be a small part of it with my workstation pc
Keep up the good work
Re: 958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 6:55 pm
by Jonazz
Many years ago, the team was dreaming about having exaflops of power to do all their computing. We might get there soon!
This is a very interesting video about FAH's work, allthough it's not very recent.
Petaflops Today, Exaflops Soon?
Re: 958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:08 pm
by david_osipov
Have no idea, guys! I was looking at x86 TFLOPS here
But the Grey Bowman suggested 470 PetaFlops, which is still 2 times bigger, than the world's most powerful supercomputer!
Re: 958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:20 pm
by Darth_Peter_dualxeon
So I see two columns, tflops is 473,938 and x86 tflops is 958,011
and, this is probably an average of the last 50 days.
And the great battle against coronavirus was just announced in beginning of march, 20 days ago, and news took some time (a week or two) to spread, and newbies took time to set up their hardware.
As an example I first tried the whole software on my gamer-laptop, but I realized I don't want to kill it with overheating, so I had to unplug all other HDD from my workstation -to avoid being hacked-, and install an empty new linux to actually be able to help. And then, I realized that my ancient Quadro 5000 and Tesla C2050 have no chance to contribute in time, and since I will want a 4k display in the future (due to huge spreadsheets), I upgraded for an RTX2070.
TLDR, I'd be curious about the average of the future 50 days. Hope the folks of the internet will make origami of all proteins
Re: 958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:28 pm
by Nathan_P
GPU TFlops are not the same as x86 Tflops, hence the conversion
Re: 958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:29 pm
by david_osipov
Darth_Peter_dualxeon wrote:So I see two columns, tflops is 473,938 and x86 tflops is 958,011
Yes! What do you think, which column could be used to compare to other supercomputers?
Re: 958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:40 pm
by Darth_Peter_dualxeon
david_osipov wrote:Darth_Peter_dualxeon wrote:So I see two columns, tflops is 473,938 and x86 tflops is 958,011
Yes! What do you think, which column could be used to compare to other supercomputers?
I don't know, I'm new to this.
Re: 958 Petaflops reached??!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:46 pm
by Jesse_V
For comparison, it was
98 petaFLOPS in October. In 10 years, I don't recalling seeing F@h peak above 110 petaFLOPS ever before, but maybe some of the veterans can correct me there. This is truly unbelievable.
Dr Pande had a celebration when they passed 1 petaFLOP in 2007. Are we on the way to an exoFLOP in the very near future?