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How to prevent from automatic folding on Mac [or Any System]

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:51 am
by Vencanator
Hi there.

I am new here and I would like to ask a question. Please, is there any way to prevent Mac from auto folding on start? After restarting Mac starts folding automatically even though I did not start the folding app. Personally I did not find any setting related to it. Thank you in advance.

Re: How to prevent from automatic folding on Mac

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 2:19 pm
by Joe_H
Yes, there is. If paused before shutdown that setting should stick when you rstart.

If that does not work, there is another setting that always will. It will need to be added using Configure in FAHControl.

Click on Configure, select the Expert tab, under Extra Client Options Add an option pause-on-start and set a value of true. Click OK and Save the change.

After this you will need to manually start folding after a restart. These directions apply also to Linux or Windows.

Re: How to prevent from automatic folding on Mac [or Any Sys

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 4:16 pm
by Vencanator
Thank you for the answer. :-)