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web client continuously retries on home network

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:28 pm
by Craig_Reynolds
This is not urgent. My FAHControl app continues to run fine in the background on my laptop.

I installed FAH three days ago (last time was in 2007) everything seemed to be working fine.

That evening I closed the lid on my laptop while it was running.

Now when I go to client-foldingathome-org it connects (to FAHControl app?) and brings up the web control panel.

But it seems to restart/refresh/timeout about once every second.

In this state it does not list my name after “I’m folding as:” and 3 other places it says “Loading…”

Today I noticed that on another network, the web control panel worked fine, as it had the day of installation.

I have relaunched FAHControl and my browser. I rebooted my laptop. I uninstalled and reinstalled Folding@home. I shut down and restated our home network. The continuous restarts persist.

Any thoughts?

FAH 7.5.1 — macOS Catalina 10.15.3 — Chrome browser 80.0.3987.132

Re: web client continuously retries on home network

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:14 am
by Craig_Reynolds
Sorry, shortly after I posted this I found the answer in a reply to question Infinite loop by Eldnsay viewtopic.php?f=16&t=32789

Using advice by pdragiyski I was able to easily fix my problem,