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RX 5500 XT (Navi 14). OK to fold?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:39 pm
by Sashleycatty
Hello everyone.

I am returning to Folding At Home to help with COVID-19 (and any other projects, as I am already doing WCG extensively).

I have an RX 590, GTX 770 and RX 5500 XT to fold with.

I am curious if the RX 5500 XT is OK to fold with, given that these new GPUs had some issues in SETI@Home.

Many thanks


Re: RX 5500 XT (Navi 14). OK to fold?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:43 pm
by Joe_H
Yes, the 5500 XT should be ok to fold. They had to add some new code to the OpenMM software to support the Navi GPU's. OpenMM is used to create the folding cores used for GPU folding. A new core based on that was released to Beta at the end of December and released to full folding use the end of January.