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Stop Client to release stress on Servers

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:35 am
by GreenG
Hi Folders,
i just startet the day before but found my Client mosly waiting for WUs.
my question now is, does it make sense to shut down the client when inactive for some time to reduce stress on the Servers?
I mean, we're basicly DDoSing them by our eagerness to help
stay safe ... and home :P

Re: Stop Client to release stress on Servers

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:07 pm
by davidcoton
It is always difficult to design a strategy for retries that is right in all circumstances. The F@H algorithm for retries is designed to prevent overloads when servers come back into service after an outage. It may not be ideal in the current circumstances, but we must work with what we have. I'm sure the team are learning from the experience -- expect a more robust F@H environment in the future, but big changes won't happen while the Coronavirus workload is being processed unless they offer safe path to a large benefit in getting work done.

Meanwhile, no, don't shut down, just stick with it and be patient. If the delay gets too big for you, a Pause/Fold sequence will reset it -- just don't do that continually.