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Help w/ GPU Setup?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:17 am
by phillip_pilkington
Hi, Im not sure how to post a new topic or where to put it for help so sorry, and please can a mod put me in the right place? I've spent 3 days just using my gpu, which I realised might be due to the project not needing the cpu, but I checked the settings and my cpu wasn't listed as a slot. I thought the best idea was to reinstall. I did this, re entered my user name, passcode, and the team I recently joined (covid19@reddits) and now it isn't doing anything. Not loading a project at all.

Thanks in advance for any help to get me helping again


Re: Help w/ GPU Setup?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:56 am
by jonault
Server demand is still high. I have one GPU sitting idle right now. But new work units keep showing up, I last downloaded one about 30 minutes ago (on a different GPU), so be patient & you should eventually get a work unit.

If you want, you can post your log file & folks can take a look to see if there are any setup issues.

Re: Help w/ GPU Setup?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:41 am
by Jesse_V
The servers and queue of workunits are being slammed due to a very fast growth in new users. This was in part due to recent events and Intel and Nvidia tweeting about F@h's work on COVID-19, which led many people here. Your client software is probably waiting for workunits. I'd recommend leaving it running as it will pick up new work when it becomes available.

Re: Help w/ GPU Setup?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:47 am
by Paragon
Yep, most likely just that we have tons of computer horsepower and they are playing catch-up with the models. Work units will start coming in eventually. For GPU setup tips, I wrote a guide. The last bit talks about configuring your CPU slot to play nice with the GPU slots. You can check your install against this to see if you can optimize anything, but most likely the standard install worked fine ... indows-10/

Re: Help w/ GPU Setup?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 1:55 pm
by phillip_pilkington
Thanks for your replies. It is still not doing anything, but Ill leave it for now like you say. I will look at the guide, thanks.