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Results upload stuck near 100%

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:41 pm
by Xeotroid
After finishing a work unit today, the results began uploading, and the last log output is at 98.99 % with nothing else happening for the next hour and a half. A short while ago I even received the base number of points while the work unit is still shown to be active in both the desktop and browser client (with the browser client still showing a decreasing number of estimated points), so I assume the results have been received correctly? I've done a few WUs yesterday after joining as well with no such problem, and the units promptly disappeared from the clients. However, I've only set up a passkey today, which reset those tasks' points, so I wonder if there isn't possibly something weird happening there?

Edit: The stats page no longer throws a bad gateway error. All tasks seem to have been received and the credit disappearance appears to have been only the web client issue.

Re: Results upload stuck near 100%

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:05 pm
by Nathan_P
Uploads to the servers are being affected just as badly as getting work units downloaded to fold. Passkeys take effect after 10 units have been completed and sent back before each units timeout deadline. i.e a wu has a time out of 2 days, as long as it is completed and retruned before then it counts to your passkey. once you have completed 10 wu like that you get bonus points.

On a reasonable gpu this takes abot 1-2 days but given the issues receiving work it may take a bit longer to qualify the key for bonus points.