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New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:46 pm
by BobProct
I now have FAH working on 4 computers: new MacBook Pro, old Mac Mini, Win-10 and another Win-10. While each is running, within a ~6 hours the client status window starts to blink, refreshing every second and appears to have lost the stats. Safari on Mac will not work (can’t connect to the client) so I’m using Chrome. I’m using Chrome on the windows machines. FAH resumes after flushing the browser cache but then starts blinking after ~6 hours. What am I missing? Why can’t I find the caveats and the little tricks to make FAH run correctly?

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:32 pm
by bruce
Google has changed Chrome to be inconsistent with FAH's original code. Using a different browser on Windows will fix that problem for the time being. (Unfortunately my knowledge of MacOS is limited so somebody else will have to answer those questions.)

I know FAH's Development resources are limited so an improved version of the Client code probably won't be available immediately.

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:27 pm
by Joe_H
One thing to try with Safari and using the Web Control, change the link from https to http. I find that gets Web Control to work on my system.

I have not tried Firefox in a while, but it used to work as well.

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:55 pm
by raven562
I want to use my old PC in folding@home project 24/7. Gonna put it in nonliving room with power cord and LAN cable plugged. No monitor or keyboard/mouse. Does f@h software works on win10 without monitor/keyboard connected?

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 8:06 pm
by Denisok
I don't see any problem

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 8:07 pm
by Joe_H
Yes, but it is easier to setup and get started with those connected. Once things are running they are not needed.

The advance control - FAHControl - can also be used to setup systems so you can remotely monitor and control such headless systems.

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 8:33 pm
by JimboPalmer
raven562 wrote:I want to use my old PC in folding@home project 24/7. Gonna put it in nonliving room with power cord and LAN cable plugged. No monitor or keyboard/mouse. Does f@h software works on win10 without monitor/keyboard connected?
Yes, I swap my Mouse and Keyboard between multiple PCs.

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:15 am
by BobProct
I was able to get Folding working on Mac by using the Firefox browser, that is until tonight when it stopped. Maybe because of a server issue which I have no idea how t correct ??? Is there a way to change servers ??? Why is this so mysterious ??? I had 5 computers working, 3 Mac and 2 Windows, all using Firefox, until tonight, that is.

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:33 am
by bruce
You can't really control which server will be connected (and you might pick a server that only has WUs for GPus or something like that).

The initial connection is always made to an Assignment Server which Assigns your FAHClient to a specific WorkServer to get the Work Unit. That Assignment Server is a critical path to everything and it has been one of the resoruces that's been overloaded. :oops:

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:04 am
by BobProct
OK, so you are telling me that there is no way for me to select which server is being used, or for me to know which server I'm using. Please tell me how to get FAH working again. Do I just wait for it to start? Do I re-boot my computers and wait? Do I re-install FAH and restart the client?

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:59 pm
by Joe_H
The servers are so overloaded that they are dropping connections and have been limited in the number that occur at once. Waiting should get you an assignment eventually. If the wait between retries gets too long, pausing and waiting a minute before resuming will reset the time before making a WU request.

Re: New donor: Issues w/ FAH on multiple computers

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:32 am
by Sandman192
raven562 wrote:I want to use my old PC in folding@home project 24/7. Gonna put it in nonliving room with power cord and LAN cable plugged. No monitor or keyboard/mouse. Does f@h software works on win10 without monitor/keyboard connected?
When using a power cord use a heavy-duty one like for 50ft 14 gage or for a 100ft 12 gage or even better 10 gage.

And yes folding@home will work on ALL computers without a monitor or keyboard after you set it up but you can still monitor and control your working computer remotely with another computer. Password is not recommended if it's local. Exp: If both computers are connected from the same router or modem. Meaning it does not go through the internet and back from the internet to monitor the remote computer. And don't use Chrome to access your remote computer since F@H has problems with it.