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FAHControl - clicking project number does not open project

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:27 pm
by asm
I'm always curious about which project my computer is working on.

In FAHControl, there's a project number that's a button in the Selected Work Unit section. Clicking it does not open the project's web page as I'd expect. It doesn't do anything.


- make it link to the project page
- give each project a title and display that here instead of (or in addition to) the number
- show the "cause" being worked on

(I'm running the macOS 7.5.1 client.)

Re: FAHControl - clicking project number does not open proje

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:12 pm
by toTOW
The same is happening with the Windows client.

And if you right click on the project link, you'll notice that there's a "Copy URL" option. I tested it, but it doesn't copy anything ...

Note : I heard that a new client is being worked on, so don't expect it to be fixed in current one.