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Page displaying % project completion

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:07 am
by Clive

Is there a page displaying the % completion of each Folding@home project?

At least for me, this information will let me know that my efforts are making a difference.

It would be nice if this information was displayed on the home page of Folding@home.

Clive Hunt

Re: Page displaying % project completion

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:17 am
by bruce
It has been requested before. Unfortunately research isn't really designed around a fixed endpoint. You estimate about how long specific trajectories will need to be and the researcher uses that as the first estimate of project completion. If (s)he's lucky, they'll find what they want to demonstrate by that time ... or even sooner. If the odds are against the project, it may have to be extended for significant numbers of Gens. The concept of "discovery" always involves a certain amount of chance.