The last Request-for mE as Apple Product
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:05 am
Excuse mE, i have a Question. Is it still not possible for an iPhone User to keep up with Folding?(it's not for mE even with the newest Version of Google Chrome it's not possible to fold/unfold along with you.) Is there an iPhone support planed? Or do i do smthng wrong with my Hardware and thats the Reason for not doing fold actually at the Moment now just even...what i want to say is: I will do my best(in Values naturely)especialy in folding FOR YOU@IPHONESE8.4DEV12.3.BETA#ONYOURINTERRESTS^-^ u n f o l d i n g . . . m a t t e r s . . . m E dont answer's just an Apple Product...go anywhere
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