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How to Monitor multiple computers
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:31 pm
by Teknogroovin
I've been folding for over a year with a single system, but recently I add a second computer system to my setup. Right now I go to each computer, look up what each are doing and add that together. Which would be that big of a deal if they weren't in the basement. Two days ago I went do to see how they where doing, only to find one had stopped folding because of an update. I had to update the graphics card to get it back to folding. It was on a GTX 1080 doing about 800K PPD, not sure how many days it was down.
My Question;
Is there anyway to see the PPD for both computers at the same time?
Thank you for your Help.
Re: How to Monitor multiple computers
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:26 pm
by bruce
The information I gave
here is not limited to Linux. You should be able to connect all of your FAH computers on your LAN. It's an advanced topic, though, so beware.
You should be able to see what you're looking for at
Re: How to Monitor multiple computers
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 11:24 pm
by SteveWillis
Do you have an upstairs computer, maybe a laptop or ipad? You can install nomachine on all three and just access your two basement desktops remotely. Full GUI desktops. I find it very convenient. It works perfectly on my LAN but I'm having a problem remoteing in from outside. I'm trying to get some help with that now. Super easy to set up and it's free.
Re: How to Monitor multiple computers
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:13 am
by ChristianVirtual
in case you have an iPad / iPhone you could have a look here mobile monitoring on iPad/iPhone [/selfpromo]
Re: How to Monitor multiple computers
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:20 pm
by Teknogroovin
I do have an upstairs computer and I have an iPhone, I will look into both options.
Thank you for your help!!!