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Log page: follow

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 7:36 pm
by thanhmy
What does (un)checking the follow box (lower right) on the log window do?

Re: Log page: follow

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 9:06 pm
by bruce
Welcome to, thanhmy.

The question essentially asks whether new messages that happen to be written to the end of the disk file should be added to the on-lline display in the GUI.

To see the latest information, Follow should be selected.

If you want to scroll back and see some earlier messages, it's inconvenient for the screen you're looking at to update itself, causing you to no longer be looking at what was there a second or two ago. Uncheck Follow, to enable scrolling back (or hope that there will be no updates before you finish).

When scrolling back like that, I generally uncheck Follow and then click Refresh ... which re displays the upper parts of the file which may have been suppressed.