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[tuto],openSuse 42.[2|3], fah 7.4.4-1

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 8:51 am
by promeneur
1. check if libzip2 is well installed with your opensuse.

install compat-libopenssl10 rpm from

install the 3 fah rpms

ignore message about zip2 not installed. zip2 with opensuse get a different name than the one expected by fah installer.

choose "break package..."

ignore message about corrupted package.

2. according to launch fahcontrol

as root
in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
create a link "fah -> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fah"
by using

cd /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
ln -s /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fah fah

3. according to launch fah when starting system

move /etc/init.d/FAHClient to /usr/local/bin/

note: if in the future if you want to uninstall fah packages you need to move /usr/local/bin/FAHClient to /etc/init.d/

create a fahclient.service file with this contents:

Description=Folding@Home V7 Client

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/FAHClient -v start
ExecReload=/usr/local/bin/FAHClient -v restart
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/FAHClient -v stop


Put fahclient.service to /etc/systemd/system/

update its ownership and permissions as below

$ sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/fahclient.service
$ sudo chmod u=rw,go=r /etc/systemd/system/fahclient.service


Reload systemd manager configuration

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Query the status of service unit.

$ sudo systemctl status --full fahclient.service

Start and stop as a regular systemd service

$ sudo systemctl stop fahclient.service
$ sudo systemctl start fahclient.service

complete fahcontrol settings with your "name "and "passkey"

with "service manager" tool set fahclient service to "activate"

restart pc

4. if you have a problem of consuming too much core power or cpu high temperature or chassis fan noise i advise to keep "folding power" "full" and use cpulimit to limit cpu power consuming.

usage doc:

cpulimit is supplied in the standard repo of 42.[2|3]

for example to limit to 12.5 % of cpu power and for a 4 cores cpu
put following example contents to /etc/init.d/boot.local file

# reducing cpu temp and chassis fan noise , limit to 12,5 % fah cpu power
# consumption for 4 cores (50 % / 4 = 12,5 %)
#cpulimit --exe FahCore_a3 --limit 50 &
cpulimit --exe FahCore_a4 --limit 50 &
cpulimit --exe FahCore_a7 --limit 50 &

you must have a cpulimit command for all current existing fah cores

use gkrellm with gkrellm-cpufreq to watch cpu frequencies, cpu power consuming, cpu temperatures, fan speeds

Re: [tuto],openSuse 42.[2|3], fah 7.4.4-1

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:00 pm
by v00d00
Could I make a small suggestion. Not to the actual content, but the formatting of it. Could you tidy the tutorial up with bb code tags? Anything that is typed into the system or put in a file could be included in code tags. Descriptive text as normal. Important text wrapped in bold tags.

An example tutorial on how to display a hello message and delete the created file.

Remember to make the script executable (chmod). Substitute nano for you favourite text editor (vi,emacs,joe)

Code: Select all

$ nano

Code: Select all

echo hello

Code: Select all

$ chmod 0700 && ./ && rm ./
Just a little bit of formatting makes it many times easier for a new user to follow the tutorial. Also mine is an example. Customise yours as you wish.