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Linux FAH Graphical Installer
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:14 am
by Godofgrunts
I'm currently in the process of developing a GUI frontend to installing FAH. The work log and program can be found at the address listed below. It's still in Alpha and has a long way to go, but I would love any advice/feedback you can give me. ... linux.html
Re: Linux FAH Graphical Installer
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:48 am
by susato
Who are the potential users for this program? People who usually use Windows or OSX but want to Fold on a homebrew computer or virtual machine without paying for an operating system?
As a Linux near-novice (I know just enough to Fold, and hardly any more) the things you really need to have in your installer are:
- automatic installation of the ia-32 libraries - Hooray! that was a real pain the first time I had to do it.
- support for "flags" or arguments like -advmethods, -verbosity 9
- a way to display the queue (qd of course - see it at Bas's site) and update qd
And ideally
- a way to share the appropriate files over the local network for monitoring by InCrease, FahMon etc.
Be sure that your release does not include the Folding software itself (that must be downloaded from Stanford each time - see the EULA)
Also, if you are managing the configuration step through a GUI (as InCrease does) it is better NOT to put your name and team as the defaults in the name and team fields. New folders tend to skip over that the first time through, and then we mods have to answer their questions here about why they aren't getting their points credited.