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monthly leaderboard suggestion
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 2:11 am
by eliot1785
I like the concept of the monthly leaderboard. However, as a donor one can't see one's own rank for a month (unless one is in the top 100, of course). I assume that was the intent based on the wording from the announcement, "Our intent was to give new donors a way to more directly see their contribution immediately" because they would have a higher rank for a given month than overall.
The problem is that when you search for your username, you can find it, but the view shows "Rank 1" because you're the only person in the result set.
So I'm guessing that should be changed. Adding "current month rank" on the Donor Rank page would also be nice.
Re: monthly leaderboard suggestion
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:11 am
by davidcoton
Kakaostats. Monthly figures not available, but you can list all donors (or your team) in the order of total, weekly, or daily production. HINT: whichever sort key you use, note your score before sorting the list, else it is difficult to find yourself in the ordered list.
There is also a "radar" display of the next ten changes of position, up or down.
Extreme Overclocking has similar facilities, even if you don't overclock

Re: monthly leaderboard suggestion
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 9:31 am
by bollix47
It appears the ranking has been fixed ... if I go to Donor Monthly stats and search by name my monthly rank does show in the results and if I search the Donor stats I get my overall rank.

Re: monthly leaderboard suggestion
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:22 pm
by eliot1785
The rank seems correct now, but the aggregates shown seem wrong. If I look at my ranking for October I have rank 4,338 with 204 WU's and 331,451 credit. That seems fine, but if I go back to September I only have 2 WU's and 3,301 credit, yet my ranking is still 4,330. If I had to guess the aggregates for those September WU's/credit are incorrect, not the ranking.
Re: monthly leaderboard suggestion
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:47 pm
by bruce
eliot1785 wrote: a donor one can't see one's own rank for a month (unless one is in the top 100, of course).
So I'm guessing that should be changed. Adding "current month rank" on the Donor Rank page would also be nice.
This seems to have been fixed based on your suggestion.
I doubt we'll see anything retroactively; future months, however should be gathered as time goes on.
Re: monthly leaderboard suggestion
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:04 pm
by eliot1785
Still see the same off numbers as in my previous comment. Maybe it's just me though, or the fix hasn't been deployed yet.
Re: monthly leaderboard suggestion
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:23 pm
by bollix47
It's not just you. AFAIK only the October Monthly file has been/is being updated so far. No September monthly file has been created yet and there was no mention of creating monthly files retroactively. In November the Previous button should show October's monthly figures.
Your observations are correct but only because the data file doesn't exist in it's entirety. Yes, you are seeing a few figures for September but I suppose that could happen if the October 1st update contained a couple of September entries.
Also, please be aware that the official Monthly data is not likely to exactly match 3rd party data as they are updated on different schedules and the updates are done in different time zones ... i.e. there will always be some slight differences for some donors.
Re: monthly leaderboard suggestion
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:10 pm
by eliot1785
Thanks for the explanation, that's probably what happened.
more bugs on new stat pages
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:57 pm
by eliot1785
I found 2-4 more bugs on the new stat pages. I'm pretty sure about the first two.
Old Team Page: ... eamnum=165
New Team Page:
1-2. The old system has correct client count and rank on the Team page, the new one seems very wrong on both counts.
3. The old system has all contributors on the Team page, the new system only has the top 12. Perhaps this is intentional but I hope not. (This is also causing the Work Unit Counts to be different.)
4. The fourth is that the Change column in search results (for either Donor or Team) seems incorrect. For example in September 2016 my user is rank 4,330 in September 2016 and the Change column is +16,087. In October 2016 my user is rank 4,522 and the Change column is +15,895. I have no idea what this could be referring to. At first I thought maybe it was the difference w/ my overall rank (21,346) but the math isn't quite right so I doubt it.
Re: more bugs on new stat pages
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:19 am
by NalaAddict
I've found this and it would seem more. On the old one my team rank is 1674. On the new one it's 100K+. On top of this, it says there were 586 cpus in the past 50 days vs 2 on the old page.