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points not going towards team

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 4:29 pm
by johnm
i joined as part of a ream but when i check the web control, it shows my team number but says none of my points are going towards the team. when i check my stats it says i am part of the default team. do anyone know a way to fix this issue

Re: points not going towards team

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:43 pm
by bruce
Open FAHControl (aka Advanced Control) and go to Configure + Identity. Does it say the right thing under "Team Number"?

Go to the official userstats page and enter your name. ["johnm" ?]. You'll find that people calling themselves either johnM or johnm have contributed to 9 different teams. Is one of them you with the right team number?

(To differentiate your personal stats from others who have used the same name, you'll need to enter your passkey on the userstats page.)

Re: points not going towards team

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:59 pm
by Joe_H
In addition to what Bruce has mentioned, any folding done by you with either no team specified or a different team number entered will remain there. The folding stats do not move point once earned from one username or team to another.