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can't find the advanced client

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:09 pm
by scooter800m
i want to find the advanced client because my CPU is crap, but my GPU is pretty tough for my laptops category (Radeon HD 4250). when i start up the client from my desktop shortcut it brings me to web control and shows that my computer isn't doing any work, and if it is it isn't showing, even in task manager it shows less than 10% CPU usage.


Re: can't find the advanced client

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:31 pm
by 7im
Right click on the fah tray icon, select Advanced Control.

FYI, the minimum supported AMD GPU is currently a 5000 series and above. 4000 series and below support ended a year or two ago.

However, your CPU client slot should be able to fold on all the CPU cores.