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A helpful resonse might be

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:32 pm
by Ricorocks
At another forum, as part of a post (I find it...'distributed computing') I wrote the line below. I don't believe this guy will be folding soon, but the response will be seen by many potential recruits. I do know without help, Fah can be throttled "fast med slow" & choose, screen saver folding or all the time folding.

Rico said: ↑

I find it difficult to believe the dis-interest among folks for 'distributed computing'
Interests has ebbed because these programs push a computer to near capacity when the user steps away. That means for many, it is like leaving 1, 2 or maybe 4 or more 100W lightbulbs on all the time when no one is in the room. Lightbulbs that waste a lot of energy, then also add significant heat to the room air conditioners then must remove.

For many, it is probably cheaper and more effective (in terms of research) to send the Cancer Society a $100 check every year.

Re: A helpful resonse might be

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:20 am
by 7im
I know this doesn't answer your question directly, but many people offset the electricity used by running FAH in other ways, like replacing 4 (or more) of the old light bulbs in the house with CFL or LED bulbs. The new light bulbs offset the heat and electricity used by the computer.

There are countless other ways to do the same thing. Turn down the temp on the water heater a degree or two. Add new weather stripping around the doors so they don't leak the expensive air conditioning in the summer. But then the heat of the computer somewhat offsets needing to heat the house in the winter. You get the idea.

Re: A helpful resonse might be

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:52 am
by bruce
I was at a meal with some friends and acquaintances. Later, the hostess said "Bruce needs to get home to his Folding." and somebody else said "What's Folding?"

I realized some didn't know so I gave a good recruiting explanation. One person asked "Is it good for the environment?" (She is a great promoter of environmental causes.) I responded, no, not really since uses electricity and generates heat and somebody else piped up: "Well, it all depends if the research is worth it."

Good point. :!: Even the most dedicated environmentalist considers the trade-offs. They use gas in their car and use electricity in their home -- when they feel they need it -- even if they're careful to cut back when they consider it wasted.
Bottom line: It's always a trade-off ... that depends on whether you consider the research worth it or not.

Re: A helpful resonse might be

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:54 am
by 7im
No way to know if/when FAH will cure cancer, but when 1 in 3 people get cancer, and 1 in 4 people die from it, it affects a lot of people, and not many know that.

So between you and your two parents, which one will get cancer? If you have a sibling, statistically, one in your family will die from cancer. Morbid, yes, but if you could do even a little bit to just help look for a cure, would you not do it? Would you not leave a few light bulbs burning to help?

The life you might save by Folding could be your own. ;)