FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)

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FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)

Post by tug27224 »

I just received my new GTX 1070 card and was looking forward to folding with it, both with the F@H client and on my own, but I am running into some errors that cause it to fail everytime I start.
Below I have listed the relevant information:

System Info:

Error Log:

I tried searching for similar issues, but was unsuccessful. Hopefully, somebody can share some insight. Thanks.
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Re: FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)

Post by Joe_H »

Welcome to the folding support forum.

First, which video drivers are you using? That might be part of the issue. Did you have a different GPU installed and folding in this PC before? If so, you may need to uninstall the folding client and data directory and reinstall the client.

One note, the information you posted as images is useful, but a better way to post that information is to post the text of the log itself between Code tags as outlined in the Welcome to the Forum topic - viewtopic.php?f=74&t=26036. The first 100 or so lines which include the system info and folding configuration are recommended.
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Re: FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)

Post by tug27224 »

Thank you for your response. I've been keeping up-to-date, so I'm using NVIDIA driver 368.39. I did have a GTX 770 before, but I had not used it for folding.
I don't see that portion of the log, as the log is filled with past successful CPU runs, so I re-installed the client and will post the log below, which shows the startup of both CPU and failed GPU down to the first failure.
I will switch to using the code tags in the future, as well as reading further into that topic.

Code: Select all

21:16:39:Saving configuration to config.xml
21:16:39:  <!-- Network -->
21:16:39:  <proxy v=':8080'/>
21:16:39:  <!-- User Information -->
21:16:39:  <team v='222470'/>
21:16:39:  <user v='yabmtm'/>
21:16:39:  <!-- Folding Slots -->
21:16:39:  <slot id='0' type='CPU'/>
21:16:39:  <slot id='1' type='GPU'/>
21:16:43:WU01:FS01:Download 90.09%
21:16:43:WU01:FS01:Download complete
21:16:43:WU01:FS01:Received Unit: id:01 state:DOWNLOAD error:NO_ERROR project:9704 run:103 clone:10 gen:3 core:0x21 unit:0x00000008ab404162553ecbe50f5ffaaa
21:16:43:WU01:FS01:Downloading core from http://web.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/AMD64/NVIDIA/Fermi/Core_21.fah
21:16:43:WU01:FS01:Connecting to web.stanford.edu:80
21:16:43:WU01:FS01:FahCore 21: Downloading 3.47MiB
21:16:43:WU00:FS00:FahCore a4: Download complete
21:16:43:WU00:FS00:Valid core signature
21:16:43:WU00:FS00:Unpacked 9.59MiB to cores/web.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/AMD64/Core_a4.fah/FahCore_a4.exe
21:16:43:WU00:FS00:Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe" C:/Users/hatt/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/web.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/AMD64/Core_a4.fah/FahCore_a4.exe -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 704 -lifeline 9960 -checkpoint 15 -np 2
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 12400
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:Core PID:10316
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:FahCore 0xa4 started
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Folding@Home Gromacs GB Core
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Preparing to commence simulation
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Looking at optimizations...
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Created dyn
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Files status OK
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Expanded 826231 -> 1403472 (decompressed 169.8 percent)
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=826231 data_size=1403472, decompressed_data_size=1403472 diff=0
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:- Digital signature verified
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Project: 9037 (Run 56, Clone 0, Gen 188)
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Assembly optimizations on if available.
21:16:44:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Entering M.D.
21:16:48:WU01:FS01:FahCore 21: Download complete
21:16:48:WU01:FS01:Valid core signature
21:16:48:WU01:FS01:Unpacked 11.81MiB to cores/web.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/AMD64/NVIDIA/Fermi/Core_21.fah/FahCore_21.exe
21:16:48:WU01:FS01:Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe" C:/Users/hatt/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/web.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/AMD64/NVIDIA/Fermi/Core_21.fah/FahCore_21.exe -dir 01 -suffix 01 -version 704 -lifeline 9960 -checkpoint 15 -gpu 0 -gpu-vendor nvidia
21:16:48:WU01:FS01:Started FahCore on PID 4936
21:16:49:WU01:FS01:Core PID:12268
21:16:49:WU01:FS01:FahCore 0x21 started
21:16:50:WU01:FS01:0x21:*********************** Log Started 2016-06-24T21:16:50Z ***********************
21:16:50:WU01:FS01:0x21:Project: 9704 (Run 103, Clone 10, Gen 3)
21:16:50:WU01:FS01:0x21:Unit: 0x00000008ab404162553ecbe50f5ffaaa
21:16:50:WU01:FS01:0x21:CPU: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
21:16:50:WU01:FS01:0x21:Machine: 1
21:16:50:WU01:FS01:0x21:Reading tar file core.xml
21:16:50:WU01:FS01:0x21:Reading tar file system.xml
21:16:50:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Mapping NT from 2 to 2 
21:16:51:WU00:FS00:0xa4:Completed 0 out of 250000 steps  (0%)
21:16:52:WU01:FS01:0x21:Reading tar file integrator.xml
21:16:52:WU01:FS01:0x21:Reading tar file state.xml
21:16:52:FS00:Shutting core down
21:16:53:WU01:FS01:0x21:Digital signatures verified
21:16:53:WU01:FS01:0x21:Folding@home GPU Core21 Folding@home Core
21:16:53:WU01:FS01:0x21:Version 0.0.17
21:16:54:WARNING:WU01:FS01:FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)
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Re: FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)

Post by mmonnin »

Does that driver support your 770? Does GPU-Z show all the correct info, esp OpenCL checked?
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Re: FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)

Post by bruce »

What happened after the message FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)?

There should have been an error report sent back to the Work Server and it didn't get there. If it turns out to be a bad wu, the server should be able to take care of that, but it has to get the error reports.
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Re: FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)

Post by toTOW »

tug27224 wrote:Thank you for your response. I've been keeping up-to-date, so I'm using NVIDIA driver 368.39.
Did you get them directly from NV or did you let Windows install them automatically ? The second option doesn't work for FAH.

And I agree with bruce, what happened after the error message ?

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
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Re: FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)

Post by tug27224 »

Don't think it was a bad WU. It keeps trying until it fails too many times and returns with this:

Code: Select all

17:55:08:WARNING:WU01:FS01:FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)
17:55:08:WARNING:WU01:FS01:Too many errors, failing
17:55:08:WU01:FS01:Sending unit results: id:01 state:SEND error:FAILED project:11407 run:3 clone:18 gen:157 core:0x21 unit:0x000000c78ca304f25686b25fce8550b0
I can't seem to check OpenCL. I tried installing it, but GPU-Z starts with this error message each time:

"During previous startup GPU-Z crashed at OpenCL detection. Please updat your OpenCL and graphic drivers. Would you like to re-enable OpenCL detection?

Hitting 'no' just closes the program, and 'yes' starts it without OpenCL checked.

Oh, and NVIDIA drivers were installed and kept up-to-date via GEFORCE Experience software.
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Re: FahCore returned: FAILED_3 (255 = 0xff)

Post by toTOW »

So something is wrong with your OpenCL set up.

You should try to remove all currently installed NV drivers, and reinstall a fresh version downloaded from NV website ...

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
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